Voices on the Green
Oct 28, 2017
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
First Parish in Lexington
This year’s first “Voices on the Green” event, on Saturday, October 28, will focus on songs, speeches, and stories of protest. If you have a compelling personal story of protest, we want to hear it! We already have a great line-up of local speakers and storytellers, and Nick Page, a great UU music director and prophet who grew up in First Parish, will lead us in singing classic protest songs old and new.
“Voices on the Green” is a series of programs introduced last year for the congregation and our surrounding community to address critical issues in our individual and communal lives from multiple perspectives, in multiple media, borrowing from models such as Ted Talks and Moth Stories, with the addition of music and a time for refreshment and conversation. We hope that all First Parish folks will put this date, Saturday, October 28, on your calendars and unite in fellowship and outreach.