Dec 22, 2019
10:30 am - 11:30 am

Nativity Pageant Worship

Gather as a community to sing familiar and beloved carols, celebrate the season through word and music, and enjoy the “No-Rehearse Nativity Pageant”, which will be a part of our worship service. All are welcome to participate- children, youth, and adults. Parts are cast in real time as we craft the Nativity Story together. This is a great way to celebrate Christmas as a family, especially for those of you with plans on Christmas Eve that make attending that night not possible.

Music for this Sunday

On this festive Sunday worship with Christmas Pageant, the sanctuary choir will sing John Joubert’s ethereal “There is no Rose” and Eric Whitacre’s mystical “Glow.” Liz Savir will sing J. S. Bach’s sweet setting of the Lutheran carol “O Jesulein Süss.” For the centering music, Katharine and Ruth Rose will play medieval and renaissance carols on bamboo pipes accompanied by Rip Jackson on harpsichord. And for the postlude Rip Jackson will play a rousing jazz arrangement of the spiritual “Go Tell it on the Mountain.”