Worship Service Sunday, January 19th, 2020
Jan 19, 2020
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Never Lose Infinite Hope
On this Martin Luther King Day, we are reminded of his quote: “We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope.” Our special guest this morning will be Cherie Craft, Executive Director of Smart from the Start, who will be sharing a sermon dialogue with Rev. Anne. We will also take a special collection for this wonderful non-profit in Boston, which aims to empower parents and caregivers in under-served communities with the tools, resources and support they need to break cycles of chronic school underachievement and generational poverty.
Music for this Sunday
For this Sunday’s service honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the sanctuary choir will sing Bob Chilcott’s serene choral arrangement of U2’s “MLK” with soloist Nate Ramsayer. They will also sing William Dawson’s soothing spiritual arrangement of “There is a Balm,” with soloist Elizabeth Walsh. Nate and Elizabeth will sing James Taylor’s poignant “Shed a Little Light.” For the instrumental music, Rip Jackson will play on the piano Scott Joplin’s lyrical “Solace” (from the movie The Sting) and also his energetic “Maple Leaf Rag”.