- Sunday Service
Many of us have been witnessing and acting to end unjust incarceration. Lisa Perry-Wood, our guest worship leader this Sunday, has spent the last four years as a prison mentor. Find out what she learned in this work and how it can move us into an even deeper exploration of all the injustices in our world with readings, music, and her sermon, “Staying Present to Injustice: Lessons from a Prison Ministry.” Please join us at 10:30am.
Lisa Perry-Wood, Worship Leader
Guest musician will be Yukiko Sekino.
Yukiko is a graduate of Harvard University and the Julliard School, and holds a doctoral degree from State University of New York at Stony Brook. She previously taught at Colby College, and currently teaches piano at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the New England Conservatory Prep School.
Click here to hear last week’s sermon by Lisa Perry-Wood, “Waking Up to Our True Selves”
- Restoration Update
Hidden behind the giant green screen, restoration work on the front of the church is on schedule and within budget. The work began at the finial atop steeple and has progressed downward past the spire, lantern, and belfry to the clock tower. Nineteen layers of paint on the clock tower are now being removed, surfaces sanded, nail heads set in and puttied, cracks filled with caulking, and a couple of rotting clapboards replaced. A primer coat and two finish coats will then be applied. The same process will be followed for the front portico and other front-facing surfaces.
As I think everyone is aware, the lead-coated copper sheathing on the spire held paint very poorly. All the paint on this metal sheathing has been removed and the spire will not be repainted. The Historic Districts Commission approved leaving it unpainted. The original spire was made entirely of wood and leaked badly. When it was replaced in 2003, the metal sheathing was installed to solve the problem of leaks, but painting it turned out to be a mistake. So, the spire will now be the color of the lead-coated copper (i.e., grey), but will continue to be topped with a gold finial and weathervane. The rest of the steeple and church will remain white except for the front entry that will remain black.
The restoration of the steeple, clock tower, front portico, and other front-facing surfaces are expected to be completed by the end of the first week in August. The east, exterior side of Parish Hall will also be painted by then. It is possible, although not certain, that additional exterior work will be done this fall. This is a possibility due to a successful Phase I of the Capital Campaign. Thanks to everyone who was able to make a contribution and to the Capital Campaign Team led by David Bovet.
Dave Pollack, Chairperson
Building & Grounds Committee
- Email Update for Lisa Maria Steinberg
If you have attempted to email Lisa Maria Steinberg in the past month using the dre.fplex@verizon.net email, unfortunately those emails did not get delivered to Lisa Maria due to a change in Verizon’s email service. We apologize for the inconvenience. That email address will no longer be used.
To contact Lisa Maria, please use the email dre@fplex.org.
- This Saturday – Sewing for Days for Girls
Days for Girls is an organization that provides health education and feminine hygiene kits to girls and women in more than 100 countries who otherwise would not have access to either. Their mission states, “Days for Girls is dedicated to creating a more free, dignified, and educated world, through providing lasting access to feminine hygiene solutions and health education.” Visit their website to learn more information.
Join us to sew reusable cloth kits for girls who do not otherwise have access to sanitary products. Please bring your sewing machine! Supplies will be provided.
Questions? Contact Amy Breiting or Roberta Pittore for more information.
Weekly Update
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