Author: Admin

325th Anniversary Celebration

We’re 325!—Important Dates Reminder

As announced in this month’s Focalpoint, preparations for the celebration of First Parish’s 325th birthday are well underway. The UU adult education course with the film series “Long Strange Trip,” the story of Unitarian Universalism, … Read the rest

Sunday Service

Today people are more “connected” than ever thanks to smart phones, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Yet American’s are statistically some of the loneliest people on Earth! In this talk Peter Bowden, a Unitarian Universalist and popular speaker on … Read the rest

Semi-Annual Meeting – Reports Needed

The semi-annual meeting of First Parish will take place on Sunday, October 22nd following the service. Please plan on participating in this important democratic process of our UU congregations!

If you chair a committee, please turn in your committee report Read the rest

Weekly Update

Subscribe to the Weekly Update
The email newsletter of First Parish in Lexington is published on Wednesdays at 4 pm. Submissions are due on Mondays at 10 am. Email submissions or inquiries to the church office.
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Munroe Saturday Nights

The Lexington Refugee Assistance Program is co-sponsoring the November performance of Munroe Saturday Nights. Please come for stories, music, and dance!

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This Week at First Parish

Wednesday, October 4
Creative Callings 1:30 p.m. Parlor
Deb Abel Dance Class 1:30 p.m. Parish Hall
Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary
Master Singers Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Parker Hall
Thursday, October 5
Meditation 4:00 p.m. Parlor
Thursday Evening Adult Program 7:00
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From Your Minister

At 1:30 in the morning I received a text from my son, Andrew, who lives in Las Vegas. His flight was delayed going back home, and he wanted me to know that he was okay. He had considered attending the … Read the rest

Special Plate Collection

This Sunday will be the special monthly plate collection to benefit disaster relief efforts in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Individuals are encouraged to participate by bringing a check made out to First Parish Church with Disaster Relief

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Newcomer Drop-In

Are you new to First Parish? Unitarian Universalism? Want to know more about our worship, music, social justice work, or religious education? Please join Rev. Anne and the Members and Friends Committee on Sunday, January 21st in the minister’s office … Read the rest

The Great Fall Auction

This year’s Great Fall Auction is on Saturday, November 18th at the church. Doors open at 6 PM; the silent auction is from 6 – 7:30 PM; the live auction starts at 7:30 PM.

We need your donations!  Do you … Read the rest

Social Action Ministry

The Social Action Ministry (SAM) at First Parish comes from our Unitarian Universalist faith based on the values of love, justice, community and responsibility. We do this within the supportive environment of our broader church community and the mission of Read the rest

Sunday Service

In these days of cultural change and volatility, we realize that in this world of ours, we all carry scars and we have all caused wounds. Instead of seeking ‘safe space’, let us consider creating ‘brave space’ where, as Micky … Read the rest

This Week at First Parish

Wednesday, September 27    
Deb Abel Dance Class 1:30 p.m. Parish Hall
Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary
Master Singers Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Parker Hall
Thursday, September 28    
80+ Luncheon 12:30 p.m. Parker Hall
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Weekly Update

Subscribe to the Weekly Update
The email newsletter of First Parish in Lexington is published on Wednesdays at 4 pm. Submissions are due on Mondays at 10 am. Email submissions or inquiries to the church office.
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Memorial Garden Service

This Sunday at noon, please join together to dedicate new memorial bricks and to honor our loved ones who are no longer present on earth, but who live on in our hearts and memories. Weather permitting, the service will be … Read the rest

Creative Callings

Creative Callings, a fiber arts community at First Parish, begins meeting again for a low-key time of fellowship, creativity, and sharing of ideas for the upcoming church year.

Please note that the time and dates have changed! This year Creative … Read the rest

First Sunday Food Collection

This Sunday, and on the first Sunday of every month, the Social Action Ministry Committee will place a food donation basket in the sanctuary for non-perishable food donations to benefit the Lexington Food Pantry. This basket serves to remind us … Read the rest

Minuteman Indivisible

Minuteman Indivisible takes great pride in having helped to sink the latest Senate’s downward spiral toward undermining what’s left of the healthcare system in the US. But Senator McConnell’s effort may be delayed for a week or a month or … Read the rest