Among Our Own
Al Jacobson, who has decided to enter into hospice care based on some longer-term health considerations, is currently doing well and welcomes your greetings! You can email him here.
Al Jacobson, who has decided to enter into hospice care based on some longer-term health considerations, is currently doing well and welcomes your greetings! You can email him here.
Wednesday, January 24 | ||
Choir Rehearsal | 7:30 p.m. | Sanctuary |
Master Singers Rehearsal | 7:30 p.m. | Parker Hall |
Thursday, January 25 | ||
Meditation Group | 4:00 p.m. | Parlor |
Daring Democracy Interfaith Panel | 7:00 p.m. | Parish Hall |
Scrabble Club | 7:30 p.m. | Parker Hall |
Saturday, January 27 |
Coats! Jackets!
You may have noticed the disappearance of the coat rack usually kept in the rear vestibule at the top of the stairs. In the interest of safety, your Building and Grounds team has relocated the rack to just … Read the rest
Here are some wise words to ponder from this month’s SOUL MATTERS materials on the theme: “What does it mean to be a people of INTENTION?”
Wise Words
It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. … Read the rest
Registration is still open for the new Adult Program in the New Year: Beloved Conversations: a collaboration with First Parish in Concord. Small groups have been developed from the availability of the current registered members. Please consider participating in this … Read the rest
The first Imagination Café is happening this Sunday, January 28th. If you have not yet signed up and wish to come, the deadline is tomorrow, Thursday, January 25th at 12pm (for ordering lunches). Please phone/email Jane Foley at the … Read the rest
In partnership with Minuteman Indivisible, First Parish in Lexington invites you to an interfaith panel of lay people in sharing how their faith tradition calls them to respond to the issues raised in Lappé and Eichen’s book, Daring Democracy, on … Read the rest
Our Parish Board Co-Chairs, Katie O’Hare Gibson and David Rose, will share the sermon this morning as we continue to explore what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist Church in the changing environment in which we live. As a … Read the rest
The Senior High Youth Group (SHYG) is excitedly planning for their Service Trip this June to Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota! Please see below for ways you can support SHYG and their service trip!
When is … Read the rest
On Sunday, January 28th at 2:30pm, tenor Austin Burns and pianist Rip Jackson will present a concert of music from the “Gilded Age.” The Gilded Age was a term coined by Mark Twain and refers to a society which is … Read the rest
This Friday! You won’t want to miss the next Voices on the Green. Doors open at 6:30 for beverages and socializing; event begins at 7:00pm.
What two things do Chris Hess, Katie O’Hare Gibson, Marshall Wilensky, Katherine Rose, Regie … Read the rest
There’s still time to sign up for Spring potlucks. Those who sign up are assigned to one of several groups of 8-10 people who gather for a potluck dinner in a member home on a weekday or weekend evening once … Read the rest
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