Category: WU_02-15-17

This Week at First Parish

Wednesday, February 15
Choir rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary
Nonfiction Book Group 7:30 p.m. Parlor
Thursday, February 16    
Meditation 4:00 p.m. Parlor
Empty Nester Group 7:00 p.m. Parlor
Friday, February 17    
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New Art Show in Parish Hall

“Rock, Ice, Bacteria, and Time: Photos and Observations on Climate Change” by Lew Counts is now on display in Parish Hall. Please take some time to view the geological wonders of the Swiss Alps, Glacier National Park in Montana, and … Read the rest

Office Closings

In observation of President’s Day, the church will be closed on Monday, February 20th. In addition, the office will be closed on Tuesday, February 21st. Other staff will be available on Tuesday. For pastoral emergencies, please contact Rev. Anne Mason … Read the rest

Empty Nester Program on Thursday

The next meeting of the empty-nestprogram, “Are You a New Empty Nester?” takes place on Thursday at 7:00pm in the Common Room. This program offers a place to talk about the changes, challenges, and joys of having either one child … Read the rest

Concert at First Parish on Friday

Join the Blue Heron Medieval Ensemble at First Parish this Friday night as they present the fifth installment of the complete works of Johannes Ockeghem, featuring one of the composer’s earliest masses, inspired by an anonymous English mass on the … Read the rest

Special Plate Collection this Sunday

On Sunday, February 19th, the plate collection will be donated to WATCH in Waltham. Daria Gere, Executive Director, will be speaking.

WATCH is a CDC (Community Development Corporation) that provides a variety of programs from a tenants’ clinic, housing repair … Read the rest

This Week in Social Action

The Social Action Ministry (SAM) at First Parish comes from our Unitarian Universalist faith based on the values of love, justice, community and responsibility. We do this within the supportive environment of our broader church community and the mission of Read the rest

Sunday Service

As individuals and as communities, we need boundaries that keep us safe, that provide a “home,” that even help us know who we are. As Universalists, however, we believe we must reach beyond these boundaries to connect with the larger

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Annual Pledge Drive Update

The annual pledge drive brings in about two-thirds of the funds that provide worship and music on Sundays, pastoral care throughout the year, children and adult religious education programming, and community outreach. Our goal this year for the pledge drive … Read the rest

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