Category: WU_06-28-17

Building Update

It’s exciting to see progress being made on this summer’s renovations to our lovely church. Beautiful, energy efficient windows have now been installed in Parker Hall and all of the other rooms on the east side of the lower level, … Read the rest

News from the

In this my second post as your new chair of the Board (I’ll never do one this long again!), I want to recap for you just one portion of last week’s Board meeting—to reveal both a consequential decision made that … Read the rest

UU Denominational News – GA Recap

General Assembly Highlights

General Assembly (GA) 2017 took place in New Orleans last week. At this annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), 4,000+ UUs gathered for important business, inspiring workshops, amazing lectures, wonderful worship, beautiful music, and to … Read the rest

Sunday Service

Gardens are often used as metaphors for a peaceful sanctuary; where all is good and right and beautiful – a garden of paradise.  For many Christians, salvation is achieved by accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and Heaven is

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Summer Services 2017

Please join us for summer worship services! Summer services begin at 10:30am in the sanctuary. The worship leaders and guest musicians are listed below. All are welcome!

Date Worship Leader Musician
June 25 GA livestream worship 10am in Parish Hall
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Staff Summer Schedule & Office Hours

The office hours will be reduced beginning June 26 through August 18. The office will be open Monday through Thursday from 8:30am to 1:30pm.

Rev. Anne Mason: Beginning June 26, I will be on vacation through the month … Read the rest

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