Category: WU_08-23-17

Office Hours

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Summer office hours have come to an end. 

However, I’m looking forward to jumping back in and getting ready for another lively and productive church year.

Beginning next week, the office hours will be as follows:

Monday through Thursday, 8:30am … Read the rest

Coming in September

Water Communion during Ingathering Service

Wherever you are in your life, please bring some water to share, whether from a lake, ocean, or home faucet, for the special Ingathering water communion on Sunday, September 10 at 10:30am. There will be … Read the rest

Sunday Service

Loving means opening ourselves fully to both joy and pain. But, we might ask, are there limits to love? How can love call us to our best selves, to do better, be more compassionate, to reach for a higher purpose?

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Focalpoint Submission Deadline

The September issue of the Focalpoint will be full of information about the return to committee meetings, Sunday services, programs, and events at First Parish. If you chair a committee or program at the church and want to advertise your … Read the rest

Plate Donation Program 2017-2018

As we approach the beginning of the church year, it’s not too early to start planning for this year’s Plate Donation Program. This special collection happens once a month, when money collected during the offertory are donated to local organizations … Read the rest

Grounds Clean Up

On the morning of Thursday, September 7, a bunch of hearty folks, hopefully including you, are going to meet at First Parish to clean up and spruce up the grounds. Please save the date. More details will be provided as … Read the rest

Click this button to benefit First Parish when you shop at Amazon.

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