Category: WU_12-13-17

Fall Clean Up

Thank you to the hearty souls who raked and cleaned up the outside of the church last Saturday before the snow fell. We will be able to appreciate all of the work they did when it melts and the results … Read the rest

This Week at First Parish

Wednesday, December 13
Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary


Thursday, December 14
80+ Luncheon 12:30 p.m. Parker Hall
Meditation Group 4:00 p.m. Parlor
LYFS SOS 7:00 p.m. Parish Hall
Scrabble Club 7:30 p.m. Parker Hall


Friday, December 15
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WhaleCoast Alaska

Whale tail challas logo

The following information was on a postcard mailed to the church office:

WhaleCoast Alaska is a Unitarian Universalist eco-cultural and spiritual program for people who are looking for a more authentic Alaskan experience. WhaleCoast Alaska is operated in cooperation with … Read the rest

Soul Matters for December

What does it mean to be a people of HOPE?


Something to consider: Are you bringing more hope into the world than you realize? If you don’t think of your work and commitments in that way, how might life … Read the rest

Social Action Ministry

The Social Action Ministry (SAM) at First Parish comes from our Unitarian Universalist faith based on the values of love, justice, community and responsibility. We do this within the supportive environment of our broader church community and the mission of Read the rest

Christmas Eve Rehearsal Schedule

IImage result for time to rehearsef you are participating in either of the Christmas Eve services, please see the schedule below for rehearsal times.

Sunday, December 17th

11:45 – 12:30     Children’s Choir in Yellow Room

11:45 – 12:30     Play rehearsal in Sanctuary

12:30 … Read the rest

Early Focalpoint Deadline

If you have an event, committee meeting, or program that you want to include in the January issue of the Focalpoint, please send to Jane Foley in the office by Tuesday, December 19th, with publication on Friday, December 22nd.… Read the rest

Climate Action Team

Join the First Parish Climate Action Team

Stop by our table at Coffee Hour this Sunday, December 17th

In 2004-06, First Parish went through an internal process to be designated a Green Sanctuary Congregation. The goal was to make every … Read the rest

Sunday Service

Winter Solstice celebrates the return of hope to our land as our planet experiences the first slow turn toward greater daylight. We participate in this ancient ritual to connect with the natural rhythms of light and dark, of warmth and … Read the rest

325th Suncatchers for Sale

Want to commemorate the fabulous 325th celebration of First Parish? Buy one of these beautiful, glass suncatchers! They come in blue or green and make great ornaments. You can purchase them for $10 each on Sunday during social hour … Read the rest

Click this button to benefit First Parish when you shop at Amazon.

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