Podcast: First Parish in Lexington

In Between Times

Our lives are filled with transitions, which means lots of endings and lots of beginnings. Endings and beginnings donʹt always line up. Sometimes they overlap, and other times, there is space in between. What do we do in this liminal … Read the rest

Movement under the Mountain Laurel

Often, we hold special places in our lives with a sense of sacredness. Are we prepared for the joys and sorrows those attachments may bring? Heeding the call of (human) nature, spiritual journeys, even ministries, may take root in unexpected … Read the rest

Reflections on Legacy

Rev. Jenny Rankin will talk on this topic that Jim Gross chose when he generously purchased an “auction sermon” at the grand Fall Auction last November. It is a great topic and, to be honest, one that Rev. Jenny has … Read the rest

Long and Winding Road

The path of our lives is indeed filled with surprising twists and turns — some welcome, some not so much. How do we make meaning out of these life experiences? What happens when you take a leap of faith and … Read the rest

Standing on the Side of LOVE

We celebrate “Standing on the Side of Love” Sunday with an All Ages Service. Unitarian Universalists around the country celebrate this important Sunday in our tradition, which lifts up the work UUs and our partners do in support of human … Read the rest

Spiritual Autobiography

In this year when we celebrate the 100th anniversary of Thomas Merton’s birth, we will consider the life and times of this 20th century mystic, one who combined a love of Christianity with a deep respect knowledge of Eastern traditions. … Read the rest