Weekly Update

Subscribe to the Weekly Update
The email newsletter of First Parish in Lexington is published on Wednesdays at 4 pm. Submissions are due on Mondays at 10 am. Email submissions or inquiries to the church office.
  • Sunday Worship

    sanctuaryJoin Reverend Anne Mason in our first worship together at the Ingathering Service this Sunday which will be a time of joyful connection! As we share the waters we bring from our summer — whether it be from a pond, an ocean, or your own kitchen faucet — we will share the dreams we each bring to our beloved community. All are welcome to join us for this multi-generational worship through story, song, and sermon as we come together to celebrate the beginning of our church year.

    This Sunday is an All Ages service. All children are welcome to stay in the Sanctuary. The nursery will be open for babies and toddlers.

    The Sanctuary Choir will resume singing for worship services. We welcome them back!. For the introit, they will sing the beautiful folk anthem “Down to the River to Pray” (made famous by Alison Krauss in “O Brother, Where Art Thou”). Elizabeth Walsh will sing the soprano solo in Richard Farina’s “Where Gentle Tides Go Rolling By” during the offertory. Our director of music Rip Jackson will play Paul Greg Howlett’s Jazz piano arrangement of “Shall We Gather by the River” and Bach’s joyful Prelude and Fugue in Bb for organ during the centering music and postlude.

    The anthem for Sunday will be Vermont composer Gwyneth Walker’s “Peace I Ask of Thee, O River.” Her ethereal setting of this famous girl scout song comes from the New Millennium Suite, which is a set of three songs for chorus and orchestra. These are traditional American songs that have been updated with additional lyrics. “Peace, I Ask of Thee, O River,” the second song in the set, features an accompaniment that evokes the flowing river with undulating arpeggios in the piano.

  • A Note from the Board
    Tom-RichI have a smile on my face as I type this thinking of this coming Sunday, when we hold our annual Ingathering service. I love Ingathering Services — seeing familiar faces that I haven’t seen since June, getting to meet newcomers looking for a new church home, and joining my fellow choir members to make beautiful music. This Sunday we also mark a new chapter in the history of First Parish, as this is Rev. Anne’s first Sunday with us since we called her last May to be our Parish Minister.
    Lots to look forward to! See you on Sunday.
  • This Week at First Parish
    Wednesday September 7
    Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary
    Thursday, September 8
    Creative Callings 2:00 p.m. Parlor
    Meditation 4:00 p.m. Parlor
    Friday, September 9
    Saturday, September 10
    Board Retreat 8:30 a.m. Parker Hall
    Sunday, September 11
    Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Sanctuary
    Interfaith Service 6:00 p.m. Town Green
    Monday, September 12
    Tuesday, September 13    
    Insight Meditation 7:30 p.m. Parker Hall
    Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. Common Room
    Wednesday, September 14    
    Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary
  • Monthly Plate Donation, September 18th

    collection-plateOnce a month, the entire offertory plate collection is donated to a charity nominated by a member of First Parish. September’s recipient is YouthBuild, a national and international organization whose mission is to help under-educated, under-employed, and poor youth, aged 16-24 years, develop the tools to be productive citizens in their communities.

    YouthBuild helps to, “unleash the positive energy of low-income young people to rebuild their communities and their lives, breaking the cycle of poverty with a commitment to work, education, family, and community.” Learn more about this organization at www.youthbuild.org.

    Donations on Sunday, September 18th, will be gratefully received and generously donated to this organization. Two young participants in the YouthBuild program in Belmont will be joining us. Please bring a check made payable to First Parish Church, Lexington.

  • Lexington Interfaith Clergy Association, September 11th Memorial Gathering

    uu-sources-1A Time for Remembrance and Hope

    A gathering for all people will be held on the Battle Green in Lexington at 6:00 pm on Sunday, September 11, 2016, the fifteenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon. The faith communities of Lexington representing many traditions will host the event, to be led by the clergy of the communities. People of all religious faiths and those of no particular faith are all welcome.  
    There will be music provided by the various faith communities, statements by witnesses and/or individuals personally affected by the original attacks, readings from several faith and secular wisdom traditions, and times for silence and for prayer. At the conclusion of the event, candles will be lit as symbols of hope; all who attend are encouraged to bring a candle for this purpose.  
    If the weather is not suitable for an outdoor gathering, the event will be moved into Hancock Church.  
    It is hoped that families and citizens of all ages will come together to remember, to reflect, and to find hope.  
  • Family Fun Pizza Party

    pizzaSmBring your family and join Rev. Anne Mason and Sadie Kahn-Greene from 5-7 pm on Saturday, September 24th for pizza and fun. All ages are welcome to join together to play games, tell stories, eat pizza, and explore more options for family programs this year. For more information and to RSVP please contact Sadie at skahngreene@yahoo.com or sign up here.

  • Web Site Team Seeks Pictures

    taking pictureThe Web Site team has been working over the summer to produce a new site. One of our hopes as we go forward is that the web site will be timely and reflect current happenings and projects. To do this effectively, we would like lots of pictures. Please bring your phones and cameras to First Parish events and take pictures! Of course, pictures of children will not be published unless we have consent, as well as adults. You can send photos to fplexphotos@gmail.com

  • Creative Callings, a/k/a Fiber Arts


    All are welcome to participate in an informal group of members and friends who enjoy fiber arts. We gather in the church parlor each first and third Wednesday from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm for a low-key time of fellowship and sharing of ideas. Bring a project you are working on — e.g. knitting, crocheting, embroidery, weaving, macramé, beading — or a project you would like to start but need a boost from friends.

    Just drop by or email Karolyn Eisenstein at k.eisenstein1@gmail.com to join the email list.

  • Social Hour Host List
    First Parish invites each of you to participcoffee urnate in hospitality by hosting our Sunday morning social hour one time each year. The lead host brings milk for coffee or tea and coordinates with the team; the other invitees each bring refreshments for 30 to 40: (cut up fruit or veggies, crackers & cheese, or sweets. Full instructions are available on our website and are posted in the kitchenette. The table below lists your invitations for this fall and early winter. Please find your name, mark your calendar, and save this list for future reference.

    September 2016 to January 2017

    Date Lead Host Invitees
    9/11: Mannix, S*.  LeSchack, M; Wanderer, T; Mulready-Shick, J & Shick, S
    9/18: McKenney, J* McKenney, B; McGrail, K; Moffatt, P; Noe, C
    9/25: JoAnn Poage* Morse-Fortier, S. & Morse-Fortier, L; Poage, J.
    10/2: Myerberg, A* Myers, A & D; Myerberg, J
    10/9: Nussbaum, C*  Muscolo, G; Nolden, S & T; Nussbaum, S
    10/16: O’Connor, S* Newhouse, M; O’Brien, J & R
    10/23: O’Hare-Gibson, K  O’Hare-Gibson, R; Oberteuffer, J; Perry-Wood, Z
    10/30: Meharry, M* Pedulla, D & Springer, S; Meharry, D
    11/6: Reuss, B*, Prusak, L & B; Reuss, D
    11/13: Pollack, D*, Pittore, B & R; Roop, M & L
    11/20: Sinnett, J*, Platt, K; Rose, D & R; Ryder, P
    11/27: Schmitz, J* Scott, B & Walsh, E; Shrum, R,
    12/4: Siegel, E.* Soule, B; Stone, B; Tan, J
    12/11: Tasker T* Tanner, R; Sturiale, N & Taibi, G; Tasker, P
    12/18: Barss, V* Townsen, D & Yen, S; Lee, J
    12/25:  no morning service
    1/1: Beswick, J  tba
    1/8: Yansen, L* Whitman, S; Yansen, D; Svenson, E & Jas, E
    1/15: Adams L* Adams S & Rich, T; Armstrong, D
    1/22: Beers-Jones, D* Anderson, M; Anderson, C; Jones, J,
    1/29: Benson, L* Smith, P; Bjorklund, J; Brouillette, P; Breiting, A
  • A Message from the Cooking and Cleaning Corner

    no spongesFrom your Ad Hoc, One-Year Kitchen Committee – Amy Breiting, Carolyn Fleiss, and Marty Kvaal:

    Have you ever felt distaste upon entering our kitchens? Dirty sponges? Unwiped counters? Old food composting itself in the fridge?  Maybe even a former mouse? Well, take heart. We’re on it…organizing the cleaning and our weekly look-sees.

    Some new and/or approved ways of doing kitchen beginning this month:

    • Switch to paper towels, sanitation spray, and synthetic scrubbers for cleaning counters and tables and washing dishes.

                               NO MORE SPONGES.  NO MORE COTTON DISH CLOTHS.

    • Deep cleaning” of the kitchens by a professional crew three or four times a year. This new expense has been approved by the Board.

    How YOU can help keep the kitchens tidy and sanitary:

    • Sanitize counters, sinks, and tables after every use. Bottles of sanitizing spray and paper towels are in wire baskets in the kitchens.
    • Wash/dry/ PUT AWAY all your dirty dishes before leaving the kitchen. Leave counters clear.
    • Label your food in the fridge with name and date so it doesn’t disappear into the trash.

    We’ll keep you updated occasionally about what we find on our weekly walk-throughs. We’ll be keeping our eyes out for dust, mice, and dirty dishes. Ideas and suggestions welcome.


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