- Sunday Service
We have much to be grateful for in this time of our church life. All are invited to join us in a time for multi-generational worship, as we express our thanks for the gifts that each person brings to our community. In music, in story, and song, we offer our gratitude. Come, ye thankful people, come. Worship today is led by Rev. Anne Mason and Lisa Maria Steinberg, Director of Lifespan Faith Development.
This is an All Ages service. Pre-K through 8th Grade stay in the sanctuary. The nursery will be open for babies and toddlers.
For Sunday’s Thanksgiving service, the sanctuary choir and tenor soloist Austin Burns will sing Stephen Schwartz’s Broadway hit “All Good Gifts” (from Godspell) and Grant Cochran’s lovely arrangement of the Shaker song “Simple Gifts.” Guest soloist Sarah Menard will sing the mystical shape-note song “Vineyard.” And for the centering music and postlude, flutist Meg Newhouse, joined by Rip Jackson on the piano, will play two movements from Johann Sebastian Bach’s magnificent Sonata in Eb Major BWV 1031 for flute and obbligato keyboard.
- This Saturday! The Great Fall Auction!
This coming Saturday, November 19th, is the annual Great Fall Auction. Please come and join the fun, and support the church in this important fundraiser. Doors open at 6 PM for food and beverages; silent auction bidding is from 6-7:30 PM; the live auction starts at 7:30 PM. Checks and credit cards are accepted (checks are preferred, to make your contribution go further).
A couple reminders:
– you can view the catalog by clicking here.
– you do not need to be present to win! If you see a live auction item you’d like to bid on but can’t attend the auction, fill out the proxy form by clicking here or email FallAuction@fplex.org with the item and your maximum bid.
The Auction Team,
Toni and Pete Tasker, Margie and Bob Gibbons, and Tom Rich (chair)
- Transgender Day of Remembrance, November 20th
A Transgender Day of Remembrance vigil will be held on the Battle Green on Sunday, November 20 at noon. Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual observance that honors the memory of those whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence.
Reverend Anne Mason and Director of Religious Education Lisa Maria Steinberg of First Parish in Lexington invite the Lexington community to participate in this vigil and public witness. They invite families and youth in the community to join our families and youth for this important social justice event.
Grace Ann Stevens, author of No! Maybe? Yes! Living My Truth, and Musings on Living Authentically will also speak to those gathered.
- Poinsettia Sale – Deadline Today
It’s time to plan for a festive sanctuary this holiday season! First Parish will be accepting orders for poinsettias from Wilson Farm.
The cost is $10.00 for a 6 1/2″ pot, with proceeds going towards the purchase of greens for holiday decorating of the church. Order forms and payment (cash or checks made payable to First Parish in Lexington) are due on Wednesday, November 30th. Orders will only be accepted with payment.
After the Christmas Eve services, you may take your poinsettia home. If you’d like your plant to be in honor or in memory of someone special, please include a message, which will be printed in the Christmas Eve order of service.
To place an order, please download and print the order form here, or fill out an order form at the piano, and return with your payment to the church office by Wednesday, November 30th. Please contact Jane Foley in the church office with any questions. Thank you!
- Special Food Collection, November 20th
As Thanksgiving approaches, please help your neighbors by donating non-perishable food items to the Lexington Interfaith Food Pantry. Items needed include baked beans, canned fruit, canned vegetables, cereal, macaroni & cheese, “Meals in a Can”, pasta, peanut butter, rice, soup, spaghetti sauce, and tuna fish.
A special collection will take place on Sunday, November 20th. Please bring your donations then or at any time to the bin outside of the church office.
- From Your Minister
There are so many things happening in our world right now which are unsettling. Division. The rise of hate crimes. The unleashing of pent-up anger. Misunderstandings. Intimidation of people of color.
The one thing which I cling to in this moment is the sure knowledge that we, as people of faith, have a clear mission. As Unitarian Universalists, we continue to stand with the marginalized, to fight for the oppressed, to seek to understand the differences which are deepening the divide in our country. Here at First Parish we know that our message of love and hope is more needed now than ever before.
And so I hope that you will join us in the important things happening here at church. Come to worship on Sunday, to share the story of Stone Soup: the message of the hospitality we create together when we share what we have and drop our suspicions of each other. Open your hearts again and come to be together. And bring canned goods for the Food Bank.
Come to our church auction on Saturday night, to be with each other, to celebrate the community which has stood the test of time here in our beloved church. Come to support our vision of abundance and strength, and take an evening to enjoy each other’s company. Come to help build our future.
Come to the Vigil on Sunday after church, when we will stand together on the historic Battle Green to honor the Transgender Day of Remembrance. Now is the time to stand on the side of love, for we are a people who will help to shape a world in which “Earth shall be fair and all her people one.”
We are a people of faith, and a people of action. Invite your friends to join you. It will be good to be together in this time.
Rev. Anne
- Note from the Board
I have a soft spot in my heart for the church’s Senior High Youth Group — both of my children got so much out of youth group. This year’s youth group has set an ambitious fund raising goal for themselves, to support service trips and other social action events. One way to support the youth group is by purchasing soup from them after the Sunday service. Another opportunity is at the Great Fall Auction, this Saturday night. The youth group has donated several items, including 4 hours of babysitting; a Jar of Compliments, one for each day; 2 dozen chocolate dipped cookies; and “Youth Group Christmas Tree Support” (the youth will come with you to pick out your tree, bring it to your house and set it up, and then after Christmas they will come take down and remove your tree). Proceeds from these items will be split between the church and the youth group.
Please do all you can to support the youth group.
In the spirit of community,
Tom Rich
Board Chair
- Thanksgiving Week Schedule
Next week, the church office will be closed from Wednesday, November 23rd through Friday, November 25th.
The Weekly Update will be published on Tuesday afternoon, so please send in submissions by Monday morning at 10am.
Choir rehearsal will take place on Monday, November 21st at 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary. There will be no rehearsal on Wednesday.
The Focalpoint deadline for December’s issue will be Tuesday, November 22nd at Noon.
For pastoral concerns, please call Rev. Anne at 781-862-8200 x2 and leave a message.
All other inquiries will be returned on Monday, November 28th.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
- Winter Outerwear DriveGently used or new (and CLEAN) fall and winter outerwear for children, women, and men is being collected during November for immigrants supported by WATCH in Waltham.Families need winter jackets, coats, snowsuits, snow pants, hats, gloves or mittens, and boots. Men’s sizes tend to be smaller (M and L, not XL usually). Rugged outdoor coats for men are especially appreciated (most of these guys have outdoor construction jobs), and “stylish coats for women” are also a hit. Please make sure everything is clean and mended, so it can be distributed without delay. Please no other clothing this year.Donations continue until early December. Bring items to the Collection Center outside Jane’s office. Questions? Contact Elaine Hylek or Marty Kvaal.
- Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, Tuesday, November 22nd
Clergy from the Lexington Interfaith Clergy Association will come together on Tuesday, November 22 for a community worship service at 7:00. The location this year is Pilgrim UCC, located at 55 Coolidge Ave. Join Rev. Anne and members of the community as we offer our gratitude for the simple gifts of Lexington and its beauty and as we honor the leaders of our community. Come and support our choir as they join their voices with members of other congregations in the beautiful anthem “Tis a Gift to be Simple.” All are invited!
- Deadline: December 4 – Al Jacobson/Communities Without Borders Traveling Fellowship
Al Jacobson / Communities Without Borders Traveling Fellowship
December 4, 2016 Deadline
The Al Jacobson / Communities Without Borders Traveling Fellowship supports First Parish youth and adults as FP/CWB liaisons, strengthens First Parish’s commitment to CWB, and provides financial support for youth service trips. It sponsors two First Parish high school students or adults annually to travel with CWB and support its mission in Zambia. Each year, two fellows will be selected and awarded $2000 (about half of the cost) to participate in the annual CWB service trip to Zambia.Who is eligible?
All First Parish high school, college-aged and adults are welcome to apply. Each year two people will be selected by the AJ/CWB TF Advisory Committee through an application process.
What is the timeline?
Applications are due on December 4, 2016. Interviews will follow in December and January. Applicants will be notified by February 1, 2017. Travel takes place every summer in late June and early July for a two-week service trip.Where do the CWB travelers visit?
The AJ/CWB Traveling Fellows travel with CWB to Zambia, including Lusaka, Simukanka, and Victoria Falls.How do I apply?
Applicants submit and complete applications, including 2 letters of references, to FP Office by December 4, 2016.Click here for the application.
Lesley Benson, Margie Gibbons, Elaine Hylek, Al Jacobson, and Cherie Noe
Al Jacobson / Communities Without Borders Advisory CommitteeQuestions? Please contact Margie Gibbons at gibbons5@rcn.com.
- Wreaths for Sale
Pieter Svenson, Boy Scout wreath salesman for Troop 119, will be selling wreaths during social hour over the next few Sundays, through December 4th. If interested in placing an order, please see him at the wreath sale table.
- Volunteer Opportunity in Lexington
Interested in getting involved in the greater Lexington community?
Special Needs Arts Programs (SNAP) currently needs senior volunteers for their Chorus program. The Chorus rehearses weekly, September through June, from 7-8:30pm at the Lexington Community Center. There is a younger group that meets on Mondays and an older group that meets on Wednesdays. The program is about fun, friendship, and creating a community around a shared love of music. There are several concerts and parties during the year. If interested, please fill out a snap volunteer application and return to Heidi O’Mara, executive director. Go to - This Week at First Parish
Wednesday, November 16 Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary Thursday, November 17 DRE Cluster Meeting 10:30 a.m. Parlor 80+ Luncheon 12:30 p.m. Parker Hall Meditation 4:00 p.m. Parlor Friday, November 18 Roaring Jelly 7:00 p.m. Parish Hall Saturday, November 19 The Great Fall Auction 6:00 p.m. Parish Hall Sunday, November 20 Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Sanctuary Children’s Choir Rehearsal 11:45 p.m. Sanctuary & Parlor Transgender Day of Remembrance 12:00 p.m. Battle Green Coming of Age 5:45 p.m. Parker Hall OWL 6:30 p.m. Parker Hall SHYG 7:00 p.m. Common Room Monday, November 21 Staff Meetings 11:00 a.m. Office LYFS Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. Parker Hall Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary Tuesday, November 22 Interfaith Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Pilgrim UCC Insight Meditation 7:30 p.m. Common Room Master Singers Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Parker Hall
Weekly Update
Subscribe to the Weekly Update
The email newsletter of First Parish in Lexington is published on Wednesdays at 4 pm. Submissions are due on Mondays at 10 am. Email submissions or inquiries to the church office.