Author: Admin

Plate Donation Program 2017-2018

As we approach the beginning of the church year, it’s not too early to start planning for this year’s Plate Donation Program. This special collection happens once a month, when money collected during the offertory are donated to local organizations … Read the rest

Call to Action from UUA New England Region

You May Be Asking, “What Can I Do?”

We are all horrified by recent events that evidence an emboldened white supremacist influence and aggression. The vandalism at Boston’s Holocaust Memorial last night and the gathering of hate groups to Boston

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Local Prayer Vigils and Calls to Action


Wednesday, August 16th
6:00 – 7:30pm
Outside First Parish Church
630 Mass Ave, Arlington
We will start by taking actions:
–Sign our Commitment to Change poster.
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Grounds Clean Up

On the morning of Thursday, September 7, a bunch of hearty folks, hopefully including you, are going to meet at First Parish to clean up and spruce up the grounds. Please save the date. More details will be provided as … Read the rest

Among Our Own

We sadly recognize that our beloved Satt Oishi is in decline. He is at home with Hospice care, and would welcome short visits from congregants who might like to sit quietly with him during these precious days of his life. … Read the rest

Sunday Service

Our world is complicated and many of us feel threatened by the erosion of the values we embrace. Clarity comes by exploring the relationship, the connection between these opposing ideas. Clarity gives us the foundation from which we can move

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Weekly Update

Subscribe to the Weekly Update
The email newsletter of First Parish in Lexington is published on Wednesdays at 4 pm. Submissions are due on Mondays at 10 am. Email submissions or inquiries to the church office.
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Building Update in Pictures

Thanks to Dick LeSchack for the pictures of the church decked out in green screen, and to Lew Counts for showing us what is going on behind it! Stay tuned for updated information throughout the month of August.


 … Read the rest

Sunday Service

Rev. Anne will share her summertime musings on one of her favorite hymns:  “My life flows on in endless song.”  Come and sing, and explore the imagery of hope and justice in lyrics like these:  When tyrants tremble, as they
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Weekly Update

Subscribe to the Weekly Update
The email newsletter of First Parish in Lexington is published on Wednesdays at 4 pm. Submissions are due on Mondays at 10 am. Email submissions or inquiries to the church office.
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Mid-Summer Musings

One year ago today I began my new position here at First Parish. I remember many things so clearly: Bob Coughlin’s welcoming smile and the air conditioner already on in my office…the beautiful prayer plant which the staff had purchased

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UU Monthly Bulletin

UU Bulletin
A monthly newsletter from the Unitarian Universalist Association to keep you and your congregation informed.
Breakthrough Congregations Deadline Approaching


Have you found a new revenue stream for your Unitarian Universalist congregation, or have you done something different in

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Water for Ingathering Sunday

The annual Water Communion will take place during Ingathering on Sunday, September 10th at 10:30am. Wherever you will be in your life this summer, please save some water and bring it with you to this special service.


Everything on Read the rest

Sunday Service

Each of us has our own unique story from having grown up in a particular race and class background. This Sunday we’ll explore insights from the intersection of different stories, asking “How can we be more present now to the … Read the rest

Water for Ingathering Sunday

The annual Water Communion will take place during Ingathering on Sunday, September 10th at 10:30am. Wherever you will be in your life this summer, please save some water and bring it with you to this special service.


Water, deep Read the rest

Weekly Update

Subscribe to the Weekly Update
The email newsletter of First Parish in Lexington is published on Wednesdays at 4 pm. Submissions are due on Mondays at 10 am. Email submissions or inquiries to the church office.
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News from UUJEC



Continuing in our series of briefing webinars on Healthcare Justice as a UU Value, UUJEC in collaboration with Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice (UUSJ) is proud to present Prof. Jerome Dugan who will be speaking on The Affordable Care … Read the rest

From the UU Urban Ministry

Message from the
Executive Director and Senior Minister
Dear Friends of the Urban Ministry,
So much is in bloom right now: lilies and hydrangea and daisies. When conditions are right – abundant sun and enough rain – they dazzle.
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