Author: Admin

The Great Fall Auction

auctionThe auction is coming!  The auction is coming!  In case you didn’t see Laura Juitt’s beautiful auction posters in the Parish Hall, this year’s Great Fall Auction is on Saturday, November 19th. Doors open at 6 PM; bidding on silent … Read the rest

Guest Minister, Rev. David S. Blanchard

blanchardThe Rev. David S. Blanchard begins his 30th year in ministry this fall. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School, David spent those three years of study also working with the First Church in Belmont. Future ministries took him to Lexington … Read the rest

Activities Fair this Sunday

volunteer_finalDo you have a knack for gardening? Are you a history buff? Have you always wanted to teach? This Sunday in Parish Hall during social hour, various committee and activity chairs will be available to discuss the many opportunities for … Read the rest

Legacies Workshop

legaciesPlease join Meg Newhouse as she leads a half-day interactive workshop on living as legacy—the ongoing imprint of one’s life and gift to future generations. Participants will explore the legacies they have received and those they have already “bequeathed.” The Read the rest

Creative Callings this Thursday

yarnAll are welcome to participate in an informal group of members and friends who enjoy fiber arts. We gather in the church parlor each second and fourth Thursday from 2:00 pm to 3:45 pm for a low-key time of fellowship, … Read the rest

Sunday Service


Guest minister, the Rev. David S. Blanchard, will preach this week on how “most of us find it easy to blame our troubles on the past. Any sentence that begins “If only…” hauls our focus backwards as if we could … Read the rest

October’s Plate Collection

mlk-day-of-serviceOn Sunday, October 16th, an original and active member of the organization Lexington CommUNITY, Sam Zales, will speak about the importance of Lexington’s annual Martin Luther King “Day of Service” Celebration that is held every January. Sam has been a … Read the rest

Weekly Update

Subscribe to the Weekly Update
The email newsletter of First Parish in Lexington is published on Wednesdays at 4 pm. Submissions are due on Mondays at 10 am. Email submissions or inquiries to the church office.
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The Gallery at First Parish Church

amantha-tsarosExuberant Abstractions: Spreading Joy – paintings by Amantha Tsaros will be on display October 1 through November 30 in The Gallery at First Parish Church.  Amantha is a Lexington resident with a BFA & MFA from the School of Visual … Read the rest

This Week at First Parish


Wednesday, October 5

Children’s Choir Rehearsal 4:00 p.m. Sanctuary
Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary
Thursday, October 6
Meditation 4:00 p.m. Parlor
Trustees Meeting 7:30 p.m. Common Room
Friday, October 7
Saturday, October 8
Munroe Saturday Night 7:00 p.m. Parish Hall
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Welcome Back, Lisa Maria

Lisa_Maria_SteinbergIt is so good to be back! My maternity leave was just what it needed to be, a time to recover physically and get to know my son, and for my family and I to adjust to our new life … Read the rest

The Great Fall Auction

auctionThe Great Fall Auction is fast approaching – make sure November 19th is on your calendar. Doors open at 6 PM; the live auction starts at 7:30 PM.
We need your donations!  Do you like to cook?  Consider hosting a
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Note from the Board

Tom-RichLast year your Parish Board started a “Congregational Conversation” series — these were open meetings held in the sanctuary after the Sunday service that focused on issues of importance to the entire congregation.  Next Sunday, October 9th, we will hold
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From Your Minister


This month we explore what it means to be a Community of Healing. I am excited to think about what that means not only for us as members of First Parish, but for us as members of this greater community … Read the rest

Sunday Service


In this time of national division, how can we keep our hearts open to those with whom we disagree? What does psychology teach us about the difference between the liberal and conservative approach to politics? Is it possible to find … Read the rest

Tonight! Are You a New Empty Nester?

empty-nestHow do you feel now that one/all of your kids are off to college or on their own? Join us in this group meeting to talk about the changes, challenges, and joys of having either one child or your youngest

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Weekly Update

Subscribe to the Weekly Update
The email newsletter of First Parish in Lexington is published on Wednesdays at 4 pm. Submissions are due on Mondays at 10 am. Email submissions or inquiries to the church office.
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