Category: WU_09-07-16

This Week at First Parish

Wednesday September 7
Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary
Thursday, September 8
Creative Callings 2:00 p.m. Parlor
Meditation 4:00 p.m. Parlor
Friday, September 9
Saturday, September 10
Board Retreat 8:30 a.m. Parker
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Family Fun Pizza Party

pizzaSmBring your family and join Rev. Anne Mason and Sadie Kahn-Greene from 5-7 pm on Saturday, September 24th for pizza and fun. All ages are welcome to join together to play games, tell stories, eat pizza, and explore more options … Read the rest

Monthly Plate Donation, September 18th

collection-plateOnce a month, the entire offertory plate collection is donated to a charity nominated by a member of First Parish. September’s recipient is YouthBuild, a national and international organization whose mission is to help under-educated, under-employed, and poor youth, aged … Read the rest

Web Site Team Seeks Pictures

taking pictureThe Web Site team has been working over the summer to produce a new site. One of our hopes as we go forward is that the web site will be timely and reflect current happenings and projects. To do this … Read the rest

A Note from the Board

Tom-RichI have a smile on my face as I type this thinking of this coming Sunday, when we hold our annual Ingathering service. I love Ingathering Services — seeing familiar faces that I haven’t seen since June, getting to meet
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Sunday Worship

sanctuaryJoin Reverend Anne Mason in our first worship together at the Ingathering Service this Sunday which will be a time of joyful connection! As we share the waters we bring from our summer — whether it be from a pond,

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Creative Callings, a/k/a Fiber Arts


All are welcome to participate in an informal group of members and friends who enjoy fiber arts. We gather in the church parlor each first and third Wednesday from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm for a low-key time of fellowship … Read the rest

A Message from the Cooking and Cleaning Corner

no spongesFrom your Ad Hoc, One-Year Kitchen Committee – Amy Breiting, Carolyn Fleiss, and Marty Kvaal:

Have you ever felt distaste upon entering our kitchens? Dirty sponges? Unwiped counters? Old food composting itself in the fridge?  Maybe even a former mouse? … Read the rest

Social Hour Host List

First Parish invites each of you to participcoffee urnate in hospitality by hosting our Sunday morning social hour one time each year. The lead host brings milk for coffee or tea and coordinates with the team; the other invitees each
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