Category: WU_11-16-16

Thanksgiving Week Schedule

thanksgiving-breakNext week, the church office will be closed from Wednesday, November 23rd through Friday, November 25th.

The Weekly Update will be published on Tuesday afternoon, so please send in submissions by Monday morning at 10am.

Choir rehearsal will take place … Read the rest

This Week at First Parish

Wednesday, November 16
Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary
Thursday, November 17
DRE Cluster Meeting 10:30 a.m. Parlor
80+ Luncheon 12:30 p.m. Parker Hall
Meditation 4:00 p.m. Parlor
Friday, November 18
Roaring Jelly 7:00 p.m. Parish Hall
Saturday, November 19
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Wreaths for Sale

wreathPieter Svenson, Boy Scout wreath salesman for Troop 119, will be selling wreaths during social hour over the next few Sundays, through December 4th. If interested in placing an order, please see him at the wreath sale table.

 … Read the rest

Volunteer Opportunity in Lexington

snap-chorusInterested in getting involved in the greater Lexington community?

Special Needs Arts Programs (SNAP) currently needs senior volunteers for their Chorus program. The Chorus rehearses weekly, September through June, from 7-8:30pm at the Lexington Community Center. There is a younger
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Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

thanksgiving-woodcutInterfaith Thanksgiving Service, Tuesday, November 22nd

Clergy from the Lexington Interfaith Clergy Association will come together on Tuesday, November 22 for a community worship service at 7:00.  The location this year is Pilgrim UCC, located at 55 Coolidge Ave.  Join … Read the rest

This Saturday! The Great Fall Auction!

auction-imageThis coming Saturday, November 19th, is the annual Great Fall Auction. Please come and join the fun, and support the church in this important fundraiser.  Doors open at 6 PM for food and beverages; silent auction bidding is from 6-7:30 … Read the rest

Note from the Board

Tom-RichI have a soft spot in my heart for the church’s Senior High Youth Group — both of my children got so much out of youth group. This year’s youth group has set an ambitious fund raising goal for themselves, … Read the rest

From Your Minister

revAnne4There are so many things happening in our world right now which are unsettling. Division. The rise of hate crimes. The unleashing of pent-up anger. Misunderstandings. Intimidation of people of color.

The one thing which I cling to in this … Read the rest

Sunday Service

sanctuaryWe have much to be grateful for in this time of our church life. All are invited to join us in a time for multi-generational worship, as we express our thanks for the gifts that each person brings to our … Read the rest

Transgender Day of Remembrance, November 20th


A Transgender Day of Remembrance vigil will be held on the Battle Green on Sunday, November 20 at noon. Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual observance that honors the memory of those whose lives were lost in acts … Read the rest

Poinsettia Sale – Deadline Today

poinsettiaIt’s time to plan for a festive sanctuary this holiday season! First Parish will be accepting orders for poinsettias from Wilson Farm.

The cost is $10.00 for a 6 1/2″ pot, with proceeds going towards the purchase of greens for … Read the rest

Special Food Collection, November 20th

As Thanksgiving approaches, please help your neighbors by donating non-perishable food items to the Lexington Interfaith Food Pantry. Items needed include baked beans, canned fruit, canned vegetables, cereal, macaroni & cheese, “Meals in a Can”, pasta, peanut butter, rice, soup, … Read the rest

Winter Outerwear Drive

watchGently used or new  (and CLEAN) fall and winter outerwear for children, women, and men is being collected during November for immigrants supported by WATCH in Waltham.
Families need winter jackets, coats, snowsuits, snow pants, hats, gloves or mittens,
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Click this button to benefit First Parish when you shop at Amazon.

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