Guest at Your Table
Guest at Your Table is a program of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC), a nonsectarian organization that advances human rights and social justice in the United States and around the world. Through a combination of advocacy, education, and partnerships with grassroots organizations, UUSC promotes economic rights, advances environmental justice, defends civil liberties, and preserves the rights of people in times of humanitarian crisis. The UUSC also sponsors two experiential learning programs, JustWorks and JustJourneys, which introduce participants to the work of its domestic and overseas partners, who are often on the front lines of addressing social justice issues.
Guest at Your Table is an annual holiday tradition where members are asked to take home a box featuring people that UUSC has worked with recently. These people are your ‘guests,’ and you are asked to share your blessings with them each meal by putting your spare change in the box and to learn about them by reading the Stories of Hope booklet. UUSC uses the funds raised through this program to support human rights work in the United States and around the world. At First Parish, Guest at Your Table boxes are distributed on the Sunday before Thanksgiving and are collected near Christmas.