Author: Admin

Buildings & Grounds Update

first_parish_winter_croppedOur historic church building and its grounds need lots of ongoing care, and a goodly share of that care is provided by cheerful volunteers.  Here are some of their recent accomplishments:

* Lighting improvements to front portico and rear parking … Read the rest

News from the Board

Tom-RichA Happy New Year to all First Parish members and friends!  The beginning of the new year is a good time to make sure your calendars are marked with church wide special events.  Here are a few:

  • January 27th is
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From Your Minister: Where Do We Go From Here?

conversationOn Tuesday, Jan. 10th at noon, Rev. Anne will hold a discussion in Parish Hall exploring our continuing reactions to the political shift in this country. As we approach the Inauguration, some of us may want to consider what actions … Read the rest

Unity Group Luncheon, Monday, January 9th


All are welcome to the next Unity Group luncheon and program, which will take place on Monday, January 9th. This month’s program will be “Fairy Homes and Gardens,” presented by author Ashley Rooney of Lexington who, along with Barbara Purchia … Read the rest

Sunday Service


The prophet Micah has famously taught us that we are required to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.” Using feminist biblical interpretation, Rev. Anne will explore what this ancient Jewish prophet might teach us today in

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Weekly Update

Subscribe to the Weekly Update
The email newsletter of First Parish in Lexington is published on Wednesdays at 4 pm. Submissions are due on Mondays at 10 am. Email submissions or inquiries to the church office.
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Voices on the Green – Call for Submissions

call-for-submissionsFirst Parish’s new bi-monthly community program, Voices on the Green, will debut on Friday, January 27th from 7-9 PM in Parish Hall. Each program will coalesce around a central theme and consist of a TED-type talk by a local … Read the rest

LexRAP Laptop Drive

lexrapAs the holidays approach and gifts of new laptops twinkle in the eyes of your loved ones, keep the old ones for Lexington Refugee Assistance Program ( LexRAP is seeking usable laptops to give to refugee families who have recently … Read the rest

A Note from the Board

Tom-RichThis year your Parish Board has been working on documenting how decisions are made at First Parish, including decisions about staffing, finance, committees, building use, worship, music, religious education, and how we present ourselves to the public. We compiled all
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Christmas Eve Services at First Parish

On Christmas Eve, please join Rev. Anne Mason at the 5 PM family service, where she will share a retelling of the Christmas story by Simon Andrews called, “Our Story: A Backwards Christmas.” Rev. Anne will be joined by the … Read the rest

News about The Engagement Project

first_parish_winter_croppedThe Committee on Leadership and Service is embarking on a project to connect with all the members and friends of First Parish on a one to one basis for a dialog around what brings you to First Parish and how … Read the rest

Weekly Update

Subscribe to the Weekly Update
The email newsletter of First Parish in Lexington is published on Wednesdays at 4 pm. Submissions are due on Mondays at 10 am. Email submissions or inquiries to the church office.
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This Week at First Parish

Wednesday, December 14
History Committee 1:30 p.m. Parlor
Choir rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Common Room
Thursday, December 15    
Meditation 4:00 p.m. Parlor
Friday, December 16    
Roaring Jelly 7:00 p.m. Parish Hall
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Holiday Workshop a Success!

The Holiday Workshop 2016 was a great success! Thanks to the 75 First Parishioners of all ages who helped to set up, lead tables, clean up, and turn lots of yarn, Popsicle sticks, pom poms, tissue paper, colorful card stock, … Read the rest

Church Closed December 26th – 31st

holiday-breakAs in the past, First Parish will be closed from the day following Christmas Day through New Year’s Eve. During this period, not only will staff be on vacation, but necessary work will be done to repair damage from a … Read the rest

Christmas Eve Services


All are welcome to the First Parish candlelight services at 5 and 7 p.m. on Christmas Eve, December 24th.

At the 5:00 pm family service, come for carols and candlelight, Children’s Choir, and a new twist on the telling of Read the rest

Social Action Committee Meeting this Sunday

change-the-worldThe monthly meeting of the Social Action Committee will take place this Sunday, December 18th at 12:00pm in the Minister’s Office. All are welcome to join the conversation and action on programming such as Amnesty International, Communities without Borders, Justice … Read the rest